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Genso Suikoden I & II - Best

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Price: $28.90
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Item Number: VP011-J6
Publisher: Konami
Jan/UPC Code: 4988602153309
NCS Product Synopsis
Original Update: February 27, 2006
«©NCSX» Over a decade after Genso Suikoden appeared on the original Playstation, Konami bundles together the first two Suikoden games and updates them with graphical improvements and the radical idea of diagonal movement. Let us explain - in the original Suikoden games, characters were only able to walk in the four cardinal directions. Any attempt to move diagonally in the original games was met with resistance. In the new PSP updates, characters are capable of stepping diagonally to cross distances quicker in addition to standard left, right, up, and down movements. Based on our short play test this morning, we're assuming that Konami used the Saturn version of Suikoden and the Playstation version of Suikoden II for the PSP compilation. The intro from Suikoden is the same as the Saturn intro and Suikoden II was never released for Sega's 32-bit console. Konami also touched up the graphics for both games with little details and both Suikodens translate beautifully to the small screen with sharp and spiffy visuals that show the care that the development staff put into porting the games over to the PSP.
Additional Suikoden tidbits included in the game include a BGM playlist which includes over 160 music tracks from both games, a movie gallery which features the cinemas from both games including the Sega Saturn introduction for the first game, and the ability to watch event cinemas and ending sequences after beating either game.

View the back cover and screenshots on the main NCSX website.

Product SKU: VP011-J6 
JAN Code: 4988602153309
Japanese Product Name: 幻想水滸伝I&II(コナミ・ザ・ベスト) 【BEST】
Publisher: Konami
Format: Universal Media Disc (Single-Layer)
Language: Japanese

This document is ©NCSX 2006, 2009. All rights reserved. No reproduction in whole or in part of this document may be made without express written consent of National Console Support, Inc.

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